Planning for your future and assuring you and your family are taken care by having a Last Will and Testament and a Power of Attorney over Property and Personal Care is of utmost importance to ensure peace of mind. Simply Real Estate Law will assist you in carrying out your wishes and provide over 45 years of experience.
We will meet with you to discuss your wishes, draft the necessary legal and effective documents to put your instructions into reality, discuss a Living Will to set out your wishes and have a follow-up meeting to review and execute the documents.
Probating of Estate (with or without a Will)
Losing someone is never easy, nor are the tasks required to be carried out by someone being named as an Executor to an Estate; this role includes carrying out the wishes of the deceased, which in most cases can only be done once Probate (Certificate of Appointment) is obtained from the Court.
Simply Real Estate Law can assist you in Probating the Estate. We will meet with you to discuss the contents of the Estate, your role and what steps need to be taken to obtain Probate and what happens after; We will prepare the necessary documentation required by the Court to obtain the Probate and be with you every step of the way during these difficult times, to provide the proper assistance and legal advice.